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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  April 2, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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are you doing? what is rahm doing? and let not your heart be troubled. greta, take it away. >> . >> tonight the ok corral, a show down in the briefing room. fox's ed henry versus jay carney. >> you give us an update. and postponing furloughs and overtime cuts. i thought when secretary napolitano told us it was dire and the border patrol agents were going to be furloughed and we would be less safe? >> i don't think we can maintain the same level of security at all places around the country with sequester as without sequester. >> well, i think both are true. what is-- what is a fact is that when you're dealing with these kinds of across the board forced budget cuts, in the
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middle of the fiscal year and if you're having to make all sorts of adjustments to account for them, and to reduce your expenditures accordingly, you know, it's a moving picture and that could be on the plus side where furloughs may take place a little later or on the minus side where things may be more immediate. >> and it will be like a rolling ball. it will keep going. >> feel free to convey to your readers and viewers that the sequester doesn't matter. and then-- and then explain-- and then explain. >> i didn't say it doesn't matter. the secretary came in here and said that we were going to be less safe. >> quite simply, the the automatic budget reduction mandated by sequestration would be disruptive and destructive to our nation's security and economy. >> and people are crossing the border because of less border patrol agents and they announced yesterday, actually, we're the not doing that. i'm not saying it's not important, i'm saying that
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it's the public, absolutely not. >> i'm saying that this is-- you're editorializing it. >> how so? >> february 25th she said, if you have 5,000 fewer border patrol hours or agents, you have 5,000 fewer border patrol agents. >> those are her words, it's not politicized and how is that not the case? >> they announced yesterday they're not doing that. >> there are reductions whether it's those border patrol-- go ahead and report that, ed and make clear-- >> if you have 5,000 fewer border patrol hours or agents, you have 5,000 fewer border patrol agents that has a real impact. >> and we're not doing that. >> talk to the-- talk to those who have been laid off and talk to those who have been furloughed in the-- look, if you think obviously go to-- said we'll be less safe. >> well, it certainly seems like a simple question.
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did homeland security janet napolitano and the obama administration intentionally mislead us or not. former congressman allen west joins us, nice to see you. >> it's always a pleasure greta. >> a two part question, did they mislead us, and number two, if they did mislead us, do you think it was accidental, or uninformed? >> what you witnessed was a horrible kabuki dance done by jay carney. and they did mislead the american people and attempted to mislead by fear mongering and intimidation when we know that the whole thing about sequestration, just about a 3% cut on the actual growth of government. but janet napolitano and jay carney should listen to this. climate change musical expenditure expenditures-- funding for robotic squirrel study $325,000. $947,000 for funding of a mars
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menu out of nasa. 1.6 million on nasa video games and we also know about this study of obesity lesbian, alcoholism. i don't know what they're talking about the whole thing about furloughing. the only people severely affected are veterans and people in the military which should be the number one priority for our federal government is to provide for the common defense. >> all right. what would be the motive to intentionally do it if it were intentional. i've gone through the list. eric holder said there would be furloughs of prison staff. that's not going to happen. and janet napolitano, secretary napolitano on the border. you've got education secretary duncan saying things about education that hasn't happened and everyone doesn't think it's going to happen. you've got issues with airport delays you know, and what would be the point, if it's intentional to do it intentionally, they know they would get caught and it's not going to happen. is it that there are no
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consequences? >> well, first of all, let's be very clear, the only people that are reporting this and quote, unquote, catching them at this is this new station that we're talking on right now. you're not going to hear this on any other mainstream media outlets or cable news outlets. it's continuing to spend the american taxpayer dollar and when you look at something i thought was an april fool's joke. the president comes out and says we're going to have national financial capability month in april. well, this really is national take away from the american taxpayer more of their hard earned capital to give to washington d.c. we know what happens on the 15th of april and if the american taxpayer is late. you're going to hear from the federal government, but, yet, we still have not gotten a budget on the president and from the white house and they're late since the 4th of february. so, again, this is about responsibility. this is about continuing to want to see this out of control spending that's coming out of washington d.c. and almost 7 trillion dollars of debt that's been incurred
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since january of 2009, the continuation of these trillion dollar plus deficits and what do we have? we'll continue to operate on a continuing resolution, not a budget proposal or a budget plan. >> well, what i don't get is this: a lot of-- we go through night after night we go through a lot of waste, a lot of fraud, we go through some programs most people think are silly if we're studying the sex life of a fly and a lot of people shouldn't be public fund. even scientific reasons for it, we should find private funds for it. what i don't understand. at some point, we're going to-- we're going to implode. you can't keep spending more than you have. i mean, that is true and you're going to implode. do you believe that the president's administration just thinks that day will never come? or do you think they're hoping that the economy gets so revved up that suddenly we'll get flush from cash from revenue from tax receipts? >> i'd say that they believe that the american people will not come to a realization that
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they will come. look, our monetary policy is horrible. everyone is complaining in washington d.c. about 85 billion dollars of sequestration. we're printing about that much money for a month to buy treasury, and mortgage-backed security debt. that's almost a zero sum. our monetary policy is horrible. so we have an artifical economy and money that's circulating and everyone keeps talking about wall street doing fine and our small businesses are not. as a matter of fact, if you go to the american action forum, ail find out that the federal government just instituted 218 million dollars of new regulations just in the last week. and so, the message is not getting through to the white house. but through the people in washington d.c. we are bankrupting this country. we're bankrupting the future for the next generation and sooner or later the bill payer is going to come. we've seen what's happened in cyprus, happened in greece and through the euro zone. >> i may be the only one that thinks it, every time everyone
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says the stock market is doing well, for those that can put it in the stock market. but a the lot of americans don't have that luxury. i'll take the last word on that. congressman, i've got to go. >> always a pleasure, greta. >> the sequestration ax is about to fall on the airports. closed 149 air traffic control towers, a washington state airport ceo calling it lethal decision. he's stepping into the fight and his airport is one of those suing the f.a.a. and larry krouter. >> thank you for having me on the show tonight, gret. >> one of the airports closed and it's the one in spokane, washington. i'm curious, is that a safety risk to flyers or is the tower not necessary at that airport? >> we believe that the tower is necessary to provide an impressive level of safety particularly related to the complexity of the air space in our region. >> if that-- does that tower also, do you have commercial flights coming
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into that airport or just general aviation private flights? >> we have the airport set up as a diversion location for cargo flights, and we also have life guard flights that operate in and out of the airport as a base. >> do you know if the decision to close that particular airport, was that a result of a sophisticated thoughtful study where they studied traffic patterns and studied what the airport is used for, region, what's in the region? do you know if there was sort of-- or sort of pulled out of a hat? >> well, we believe that the decision was made without proper amount of time, proper process and proper input. >> so what are you going to do? you've filed suit. what's the plan? >> well, plan is to request a stay. because the commodity we need right now is time. we need more time for the f.a.a. to go through a thoughtful process. a process that's more customary to what we, as
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industry professionals, expect and demand when we're going it to make safety changes. the aviation system is organic and it needs time to adjust to any change. >> how long has there been a tower at the airport and a manned tower that was operable. >> that goes into the 1980's. so all of a sudden, with how much notice are you now taking it? is that tower now going to be closed? how much notice did you have? >> we have initially less than 30 days, and the f.a.a. has now extended that to may 5th. >> if an airline is in trouble, how close is the closest airport where there's a tower and there will be assistance landing? >> the closest tower would probably be a few hundred miles away in tri cities, but that's a whole other episode for us, greta, because the
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f.a.a. is also planning to close towers like spokane international from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. starting september 1st. >> does that have commercial flights going into it? >> yes. >> larry, thank you very much for joining us, and i hope the f.a.a. takes a good close look at this. we've got an awful lot of planes and passengers up in the air. thank you, sir. >> thank you, greta. >> and the sequester is supposed to though hit across the board. no one is posed to be immune to the cut. well, almost no one. who is in the exclusive group whose salaries can't be touched? you've got president and congress, the very people who got us into the sequester mess in the first place, still getting paid and salary. and he had in chief, steve forbes with us. >> hi, greta. thank you. >> what an irony, the people who got us into the sequester mess, tried to scare us and shut down f.a.a. towers and whatever, the very ones that
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are totally protected. they don't have a lick of problems, is that right? >> that's right. this whole sequestration came about because the debt ceiling crisis in 2011 and that is like a nuclear bomb, we're not going to default on our debt and shut the government down. what should be done, greta, talking about salaries is to tie salaries to doing something and that is have the government spending tied to the state of the economy. you know, traditionally we'd spend about 18, 20% of gdp in government spending. so have a figure like 18, 19% and if it goes above that, then congress's pay is docked and the president's pay is docked and since he has so many perks, perhaps fewer round on the golf course, but have real consequences, personal consequences where you don't hold up your responsibilities. we do it in every other sphere of life. >> it's interesting that we have to put this sort of of draconian real consequences, we want to, over their heads for one simple reason, because they don't do their jobs. and you think they would do it
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out of a sense of decency or morality when they promise the voters they'd do this. right now i'm practically the only one in washington. and over my shoulder is the capitol and totally empty. they're not worried about the sequestration. >> no, unfortunately they have engaged in the washington monument truck, make sure the cuts are visible and anger and annoy the public and perhaps the safety of the public with the f.a.a. this is unfortunately. i think the people realize that the president is playing with fire here, his popularity has gone down. i think if congress knew their own personal purse was going to be affected by that kind of behavior they would do-- wouldn't engage in it and again, we can't have these nuclear options like not servicing our debt tied to something like a gdp, as a percentage of gdp or spending as a percentage of gdp where if they don't meet those goals, then they--
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first they start to take a hit with the real penalties, where they feel the penalties, not we, the public. >> let me ask you a business question. there are so many indicators we look at to see the state of the business, whether it's unemployment and consumer confidence or foreclosures, that sort of thing. but i want the practical sort of business view of it. how is the economy doing? does that get people to say they don't know where to put money and afraid to save money and afraid something happens in cyprus and everyone is scared. what's the state of the economy from a business standpoint? >> the state of the economy is it better than a year ago, that's like a car on an open highway. we should at this point be going, 70, 80 miles per hour if no one is looking and instead we'll go from 20 miles an hour to 25 or 30. so we're going faster, but it's still a tough recovery. this is the first recovery in history, greta, we haven't had a sharp upturn after a sharp do downturn, it's activity, but not the animal spirit that you
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get in a vibrant economy like ours is. >> i hear that people say regulations is slowing it down, retarding growth. and i hear stories from people that obamacare is going to have enormous impact once that goes into effect. do you agree with that? is it going to retard expansion or not affect expansion or we're going to have expansion? >> well, we'll get some expansion, but it's like a baseball player hitting .250 when that player is capable of hitting .350. what we have is a sub-par performance with obamacare, we don't know if we hire somebody what the cost of that individual is with obamacare, thousands you might take on liability and the ridiculous thing, the companies that are growing and a number thankfully are, if they reach the 50 employment level, 50 people, they're going to have a huge increase in costs. so, you're going to have to ramp down the growth of your business to not get hit by
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huge new increases of obamacare, that's what you get in europe not in the united states. i hear that businesses are hiring to try to figure out how to even handle obamacare within their businesses and there are so many regulations and so complicated that there's a whole other layer of complexity in business. do you have that issue? >> yes, you now have to keep a meticulous records how many hours people work. even if you don't reach the thresholds, you've got to be able to show regulators that you haven't reached the flesh hold. what's the difference between full-time employment, part-time employment. so compliance costs are going up and because people don't know what the rules are, these exchanges are a joke, most will not be ready by the end of the year, the fall of this year and that certainly slows things down. this economy would roar like a rocket if people knew what the rules were and the rules weren't designed to slow us down. people are ready to move, but they can't by being in a quagmire like a bad nightmare.
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you want to move, but you can't get your foot moving. >> steve, as always, thank you, nice to see you. hope you'll come back soon. >> thank you, greta, appreciate it. >> a new law making gun ownership mandatory. where will u.s. citizens be forced to buy guns? find out next. and also, you will not believe this one. didn't the obama administration learn anything from the solyndra mess? what did they just do that is costing you millions and millions and millions and more, and what is going belly up right now? that's coming up. plus, jay leno and jimmy fallon, in the middle of late night drama. get ready for this, is conan crashing the party? crashing the party? stay tuned. suddenly, she does something unexpected
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>> this is a fox news alert. well, he's back. after a sex scandal that derailed his political career four years ago tonight. florida governor mark sanford winning the g.o.p. nomination for a house seat. defeating former charleston county council member. in a special election next month, sanford will face democrat elizabeth cobert push. the sister of stevphen colbert.
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and in 2009 sanford was caught cheating on his wife had a mistress in argentina. sanford is now divorced and engaged to the former mistress. >> a georgia town passing a law making gun ownership mandatory. you heard right. every household must own a gun and a city council member joins us, nice to see you. >> thank you, greta for having me. >> greta: all right. this is a unanimous vote of your city council. why did you decide this is necessary? >> it was brought to us by council member duane chronic and we thought it was going to be a good thing for the city of nelson, as soon as we had the first reading it went over fabulous-- i mean, everybody was in support of it. >> greta: how do you intend to enforce this law or amendment,
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i'm not sure exactly what you call it, that eve household has to have a gun? >> greta, it's not going to be like knocking at their doors, the police officer. we have one police officer in the city of nelson and he's not going door-to-door knocking and saying you have to have a gun. if you do not want to have a gun, you do not have to have a gun. and that goes for, you know, if you're a convicted felon, if you have mental problems, religious beliefs, you do not have to have a gun. >> how do you define head of household? we're no longer sort of that ozzie and harriet type cultures. the head of household is a rather fluid concept these days. >> you're absolutely right. i would say head of household if you're a mother with children, the mother. if you know, mother or father,
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i imagine it would be the father. in my case, now, my husband and myself. my husband has had a permit for 40 years. i do not have a gun. and i would imagine that's the way, you know, it would be. i mean, in the city of nelson, i would say that 90% of the people do own guns and it's like a deterrent. it's just like my fellow councilman mr. chronic, he always says that, like the adt signs that you would see in front of the homes for, you know, this house is protected by security, and this is more or less like that. it's a deterrent. you know, you pass a law and the city of nelnelson, you know the bad guys, you're not going to be able to do anything. >> i'm curious whether there's any sort of disagreement in
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the community. whether there are newspaper editorials, or is anyone not on board with this. >> let me put it this way, it's a small town, 1300. i would say that in our meetings we've had one person, one person that resides and he happens to be my neighbor, one of my neighbors, and he's totally, totally opposed, but it hasn't been -- as i said, out of ten people, nine. i could count in my-- go ahead, i'm sorry. >> greta: and if you don't have one and you get caught and don't have some sort of excuse like a religious objection or a-- is there a penalty? not at all. and our police chief works 40 hours a week, when he's off we're at the mercy of two
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cities, pickens and charity and that's why we taught it would be a good idea and also has said that he would, you know, donate some of his time to train whoever wants to be trained and to give like classes, you know, how to handle a gun, and you know, guns are dangerous, and all that. and me personally, i don't think that guns kill people. i mean, i'm sorry, that guns don't, you know, people kill people. >> councilman, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you so much, greta. >> coming up, deadly mistake, could the murderer of the colorado prison chief have been prevented? find out what went wrong and who admitted to making a horrible mistake. it's not just jalen ♪ using supercomputing and mobile technology
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♪ [ male announcer ] introducing the all-new beetle convertible. now every day is a top-down day. that's the power of german engineering. . . >> greta: when is an illegal immigrant, not an illegal immigrant? well, in the ap style book. the associated press no longer sanctions the term illegal immigrant. they tell they should not use it to describe a person, only an action. does the word change solve any real problems or just a distraction. jose vargas is the advocacy group, define--
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he's written about struggles with immigration status and written for time magazine. thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> greta: tell me why you pushed to have this illegal immigrant, you don't want to call it illegal. >> it's funny you say it's a distraction, that's what it's been. it's been a distraction. i've been travelling the country for the last two years as undocumented in ohio, and others places and you're illegal, end of conversation. instead of talking how did i get here, i went to school here, pay taxes, i'm an american, i don't have any papers to show you. >> greta: are you here illegally. >> yes, i'm here illegally without proper documentation, so the action is illegal, but i'm a human being, i'm not. that's a very important distinction. >> greta: obviously, i'm not here illegally and i don't
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have the sensitivity to it. >> i appreciate you saying that. >> greta: and the fact is you're illegally here. >> the action is illegal, absolutely. >> greta: i tell you why i think this is a distraction and why it's so nuts for anyone to be pushing this right now. for the first time in 25 years we're on a roll in terms of having bipartisan effort to get immigration reform, comprehensive immigration reform, something that we really need in this country and so now with this distraction where everyone is thinking it's the ap being politically correct and we've sort of gotten distracted on an other little fight. something we don't need. we need to keep our eye on the ball and you know, it's a fact, it's illegal. people here who aren't documented are here illegally and we have a little distraction. >> and it's funny you put it that way. and washington d.c. inside the beltway thing, we're talking about semantics, it's not about being politically correct. it's being a human being.
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>> and someone talking it everyday americans and tea party members and engage with people and look me eye to eye, and say, i'm a human being, and i grew up here. i pay taxes here. and i believe you're a human being, and i want the very best for you, but you know, if someone said to me, i'm driving past the expiration of my driver's license, and i say you're an ill egal driver, and would i not say it's a bad person, but an illegal driver. >> can you think of any other context we call people illegal. we don't call them illegal drivers. underaged drivers. >> greta: i would say it's illegal. maybe it's my lawyer background. >> maybe your lawyer background. >> greta: and different reasons that people, drivers are illegal. some if you fill out the form and let it expire, and driver's licenses and some because it got a bad driving record and all different levels of illegal, but illegal. >> the new one here, actually i think coming at the heels, and the senate is going to
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produce a historic moment for us. no, no, the thing is, this is going to add more. >> greta: i think it's a distraction. i think it's going to-- >> that's where you and i disagree about. >> greta: i think it's going to annoy a lot of americans like, it is illegal, it's factual, it's correct, and now we're arguing this when the real issue, what we're going to do about this sort of serious national problem. >> yes, i agree with you, but i think this forces us, in news rooms across america, new york times, washington post, wall street journal, what are they going to do now? i grew up as a journalist, and now the ap is doing this, what's fox news going to do. >> greta: you came over as a child. >> 12. >> greta: and there's a difference between coming here as an adult and make sure the viewers know that as you and i debate this issue. >> thank you so much for having me. >> greta: and love having you and i hope you'll come back and we'll be watching. maybe next time and talk about other-- >> this is a substantive win,
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for me as somebody who's been called illegal my whole life. i'm undocumented. >> greta: you're undocumented. >> i have no papers to show you i'm an american i'm american. >> greta: and you're illegal and hope we get the immigration stuff behind us. >> i hope so, really hope so, yes. >> greta: thank you for joining us. >> thank you so much for having me. >> greta: now it's time to tell us what you think about the hot button issue. do you agree with the ap's decision not to use illegal, or a distraction. and vote ten times, by the way. the white house must be flipped out about this next one and if it it isn't, the white house should be. it could be solyndra all over again. another obama administration giant blunder. another company backed by the u.s. energy department, that means your tax dollars is reportedly preparing for bankruptcy. this time it's an electric car company, fisker automotive. taxpayers, yes, let me repeat that means you, could be on the hook for 192 million dollars. how can this happen again right after the solyndra mess?
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and co-anchor markets now on fox business network. dennis, the white house must-- the rumor is that fisker has begun assembling a group of bankruptcy lawyers, that's a bad sign, would you agree? >> yeah, it's a really bad sign. it means that fisker will likely head into bankruptcy court so the creditors can't include the debt and especially american taxpayers. this company was approved for 530 million in federal loans and took almost 200 million and it was going to create a thousand jobs in america, it turns out it doesn't make cars here, it makes 100,000 electric hot rods in finland and employed 500 people. and 200 in the u.s. and last week laid off virtually all of them. and the first debt payment on the federally guaranteed loan is due in a few weeks, but now likely to go into bankruptcy court. 26 companies, green energy companies have gotten loan
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guarantees through this program and fisker was in that. three were-- and you have a got that solyndra debacle, 535 million dollars down the drain. >> greta: this is a deal, this is only 192 million. i guess we're getting off easy. >> the government came in last may after a controversy and said we better hold off on this and take a harder look, never mind the funded fisker, al gore. this is a company that makes $100,000 hot rods for people like leo dicaprio, it's not the way to solve the energy crisis. >> it's more than that, if this is a good business deal, we had steve forbes on, i'm sure he's always looking for good investments and everything, if the private capital doesn't want to invest in it, that might be a good sign to our energy department and all of our nonbusiness government people who seem to be so loosy goosy with our money that maybe it's not a good idea to invest in it.
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>> exactly. >> and usually when you have to go to public money, there's a good reason because the private money thinks it's a dumb idea. >> i know a guy who raised 200 million in private money in three months for an electric car battery and hopes to raise 750 million without needing government largest to do it. you let them do building blocks not fund a sexy new car that justin bieber wants it to drive when he gets old enough to get his license. >> greta: i think it's appalling that the government thinks it's fine to do dumb investments. if one of them were smart i'd be singing a different tune, but night after night after night. whatever. dennis, thank you. >> thanks. >> greta: coming up, lookout, it's probably you. millions of americans are about to get a big surprise from obamacare, but we warn you, it's not a good surprise, but it is next. and if you hate paying extra for oversized luggage you're going to get more steamed when you hear this. wait until you hear what the airlines want to charge you we went out and asked people a simple question:
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how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed: the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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>> the airlines charge you extra for extra heavy luggage. have you been charged for your own extra weight? one airline has started the pay as youplay. and a per kilo rate. plus sized passengers will have to pay more for tickets. how does the new system work? he when booking tickets online passengers must type in their own weight and the weight of their luggage and the weights per kilogram vary for distance flown. can you lie about your weight or fudge it, no, passengers are required to get on those, and they hope it will make them aware of the problem. and what do you think of the pay what you weigh? go to go to we're everyone's retirement dream is different;
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>> tonight disturbing new information about the murder of colorado's prison chief. could the murder have been prevented? >> well, it turns out the suspect, a convicted felon was released from prison four years early because of a clerical error, that's right, the paper work mistake. and the court clerk listed as concurrent instead of consecutive. in january evan ebel was mistakenly delivered. he murdered a pizza deliveryman and chief clements. he was killed in a shootout with police in texas. there's more. late today the colorado department of corrections listing new information about the parole. days before the murder he slipped his ankle monitoring bracelet, but an arrest warrant was not issued for several days too late to
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prevent two murders. and the district corner apologizing for ebel's ma mistaken early release. did you know about obamacare, if you use subsidies, you could get hit with surprise tax bills, why? because the only person who understands this law in the whole city is here to explain. lisa, nice to see you. >> hi. >> how is it that you could end up paying money? >> the health care law provides subsidies for some people to receive health care through these exchanges, these marketplaces that are going to offer a variety of choices on health insurance. now, you receive a subsidy based on income. the more you make, the less you receive. this is geared toward the low income people. now, it all depends on how much you make in a given year and what the associated press reported today is that if your he income changes, you could end up owing the government money because he could have paid you too much, based on the estimated income. >> let's say that i fit into
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the category to get a subsidy. >> yes. let's say i thought my income was going to be $30,000 for this year and i'll be eligible with a family of four. >> right. >> now say as luck would have it, suddenly a $10,000 bonus and now $40,000, so now what happens when the subsidy was figured out based on my 30,000, i didn't know i was going to make 40 you didn't know and next time you would get hit with a bill. >> greta: a tax bill, but the irs on the bills give you late fees and interest. and that's where it really begins to pinch you. one thing if you make $10,000 more you understand you have to pay more taxes, but you'll get pinched for these? >> i didn't read that, but this is a concern, another bump we see in implementation of a massive law and i think hhs and irs are going to have to come up with a solution here because it's going it turn off the people that are supposed to be benefitting if they see themselves hit with a
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tax bill every time they get a raise. >> greta: have you seen the application to get subsidized. >> 15 pages, doesn't sound too bad for me. >> greta: i paged through and tried to figure it out and frankly gave up after a few pages, i haven't seen the subsidy, but wanted to see what it was. how are we setting up the exchanges, a lot of states have bailed and not going to set up exchanges. >> health and human department are going to do it for them. a massive tax for hhs and never doing anything like it and reaching out to the different state insurance commissioner to figure out what are the health care options for the uninsured in those places. >> greta: better be doing it right now because october 1st isn't that when enrollment starts? >> enrollment starts october 1st and coverage kicks in january 1st. next year. >> does the federal government predict it's going to be ready or hoping? >> i think that there are a lot of hopes out there, right? this is a huge law, nobody denies that-- >> but they've known about it
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for four years, i have no sympathy. if the federal government isn't ready they haven't done its job. >> and we were waiting on election and a supreme court decision and i think that some of those obama administration officials would argue that they had trouble implementing the law amid all of the opposition to it and now we're finally getting a chance to implement the-- >> you're far more sympathetic than i am. we'll see what happens. >> thanks. >> greta: nice to see you. [ male announcer ] why is kellogg's crunchy nut so delicious? because every flake is double-toasted... splashed with sweet honey... and covered in rich double-roasted peanuts. mmm. [ hero ] yummy. [ male announcer ] kellogg's crunchy nut.
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>> okay, everyone, it's time to hash it out. here on the record we like to show you our favorite intoxicated entertainers. of course, there are drunk guy, not driving of course. ♪ ♪ mama, ooh, ooh i don't want to die ♪ >> our new favorite, drunk guy on power cables. drunk man dangling from an overhead power cable above a busy street saved bief chinese firefighters. and he got tipsy and decided to take the act to the streets. luckily the power shut off and
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he was not hurt and some suggested that he stick to the beer goggles. and welcome to week 14 of the jodi arias murder trial, arias confessed to savagely murdering her boyfriend in the shower. and wife of john mccain, they've spent over 1.5 million on the arias trial. where does it stop? >> and variety reporting jay-z gets in the game and yankees condo he. the multi-award winning rapper producing announcing the first signing today, yankees second baseman robinson cano. what's next for jay-z? a cable news show? and give it up for conan o'brien for best wedding crasher.
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conan surprises guests in atlanta. and he was at the atlanta four seasons, but it wasn't all by accident. turns out this was all arranged by a member of the wedding party who tweeted conan all day long to stop by to the festivities and that's all it takes, a tweet? here is my tweet, conan hosting live show in d.c., please, please, stop by! okay, wired magazine tweeting out, ba backboard shatters in the baseball league, can anybody here it? check out the dunk. that's 6-6 forward did he have van clark who used to play here in the states and ended up playing hoops in mongolia. devin you've got swagger now. remember, i've got game, too. >> okay, okay, okay.
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see? >> come on, greta, my gosh. >> greta: see? okay. and now it's your turn to hash it out with us, just use hashtag greta on your tweets and don't forget to follow me on twitter@greta wire. you need to stay up longer at you need to stay up longer at this one. [ male announcer ] red lobster is hitting the streets to tell real people about our new 15 under $15 menu! oh my goodness... oh my gosh, this looks amazing... [ male announcer ] 15 entrees under $15! it's o new maine stays! seafood, chicken, and more!
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rumor that's jimmy fallon will replace jay leno on tonight show. take a look at their version of "tonight" from westside story. story. >> take a look at this duet from "west side story." [singing duet] who cares who holds the night? because


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